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Since I started on the journey of all things sourdough I have been experimenting with all sorts of recipes and this one has landed in the ” Keep FOREVER” pile! My family inhaled them! I have made several batches to freeze for our upcoming family vacation too. You can use any fruit! I Have tried […]

Sourdough Raspberry Muffins

This is my first year making immune boosting elderberry syrup and I am hooked. Making your own batch is super easy and more tasty and affordable than store-bought brands. I love how you can customize your batch to meet your overall needs. I have a child with an autoimmune disease so this immune boosting elderberry […]

Immune Boosting Elderberry Syrup

I’m excited to share with you one of the newest dinners to make the rotation at the cottage. This Chicken pot pie was the perfect dinner to create inside my winters kitchen or any season really! While I used mostly items I had frozen during the harvest this can be made while the ingredients are […]

Chicken Pot Pie In Our Winters Kitchen

On a list of my favorite things, lavender must be in the top 5! I absolutely love the smell, and taste and I love using lavender anywhere I can! I harvest some lavender over the summer and dried it. It makes a beautiful decoration but also is an important ingredient in many of our bath […]

Lavender Infused Oil For Lotions and Balms

Like I said before Im not a huge apple dessert fan but what I do love is fried apples and cookies and when I found a recipe that put the two together I had to try it. I found the recipe in an old cookbook that was given to me by my mother-in-law and was […]

Apple Cookie Bars In My Winters Kitchen

I’m a little behind starting my tomato and pepper seeds because I have been feeling a bit under the weather, but today I felt good enough to get them started. I’m very new to gardening, I have only had a few small gardens over the past few years but this year my goal is to […]

Prepping For Spring By Starting Our Seeds

Today I was able to go thrifting and bring home some new treasures to style in my home. I typically visit our local thrift stores once to twice a month in search of things we may need ( or want ) before ever buying new. I find thrifting a bit therapeutic. I love wandering the […]

Therapy in Thrifting

Today in the kitchen we are trying an apple crisp recipe that I tracked down from The Chunky Chef. I’m not a huge apple dessert fan ( with the exception of my apple empanadas I’ll share soon) but my whole family is. So this week’s dessert is for them! Follow along on youtube where I […]

A Winters Dessert Apple Crisp 

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